Why should you consult us?

Visit any one of our clinics to access the services offered by our general practitioners and CPNPs, be it for a minor or major emergency. When you or your loved ones experience troubling symptoms such as the following, it’s essential to seek medical attention for immediate relief and to avoid complications:

  • Respiratory difficulty; 
  • Chest, lumbar or abdominal pain;
  • Intense headaches;
  • Heavy bleeding;
  • High fever with confusion or drowsiness;
  • Otitis
  • Urinary infection;
  • Bronchitis or sinusitis;
  • Fainting or sudden loss of consciousness;
  • Severe allergic reactions;
  • Depression or burnout;
  • Other abnormal or unexplained symptoms.
Facial skin lesion removal;
Wound repair, stitches;
Cortisone infiltration;
Fracture or sprain treatment;
Plaster cast or splint;
Liquid nitrogen treatment for plantar warts and condylomas;
Abscess drainage;
Burn treatment;
STBBI screening;
SAAQ form.