Why should you consult us?

Although STBBIs sometimes cause pain, symptoms are not always present. Once infected, it’s easy to transmit the infection without knowing it. With a screening test, you’ll know if you’re infected and can receive the appropriate treatment to avoid complications. You and your partner should seek advice if you :

  • Have had unprotected sex;
  • Shared drug injection or inhalation equipment;
  • Have been tattooed or pierced with non-sterile equipment.

Liquid-based cytology

PAP tests are recommended every 2 years for women aged from 21 to 65.

STBBI screening

Sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections

HPV screening

For women aged 30 and over


One-year prescription renewals


Antibiotics, contraception, etc.

HPV vaccination Gardasil

To prevent cervical cancer

The benefits of consulting

Regardless of your test result, keep in mind that :

Regardless of your test result, keep in mind that :

You’ll be guaranteed confidentiality

Our experienced nurses work in close collaboration with the doctors and CPNPs at our clinics to ensure personalized service